
20. Sep, 2022


20. Sep, 2022

TUESDAY 20-09-22

Today was a rest and chores day as we leave tomorrow morning, and to be honest there's nothing else here we want to do. It would have been lovely to have spent the whole afternoon on the beach (covered up of course), but to be honest it was just too hot for us, another 26°C'er. I doubt we'll return here again, other than passing through on the way back from somewhere else. It's a lovely area, but we've seen it all (well, excluding the Picasso Museum!), and it's all very nice, but we need to find new places to visit and remember those we have visited previously with fond memories.

We popped down the road to the supermarket for a few bits. The Chef was remarking just how expensive French fruit and vegetables are these days. We're paying nearly three times as much as back home for things like lettuces, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes. What we were looking for were some nice fresh chicken drumsticks to burn on the barbecue, but they had either small skinny ones in packs of four or nice plump ones in huge packs. They were good value but we would never have got them all in to our fridge/freezer.

After lunch, with most of the chores done,(including hand washing where, when The Chef went to do hers she took the hand towel out of the bathroom to do as well, replacing it with a clean one, and when I went to do my washing after her, I took the hand towel down and washed it. The damned thing had only just been hung up there - that's what you call bad communication), we went for a wander down to the beach and took a few goodbye pictures. We were delighted to see that the local school were out again teaching young kids to sail. What a wonderful thing to have on a school curriculum. It surely has to be better than learning algebra, which in my day all us kids had to learn just in case there was a potential Nobel Prize-winning scientist among us who would actually find a use for it.

We then set off towards the marina complex where we treated ourselves to two scoops each of delicious ice cream for the princely sum of ten euros.

On the way back we popped in to the supermarket to check if the chicken drumsticks had grown a bit since we last saw them, and they hadn't, so we bought a few bits including a pack of 6x2ltr bottles of water, which can be a bit heavy to carry on a hot day.

Back 'home' we eventually managed to make contact with our next campsite on the phone. They have a website, but you can't use it to make a reservation, they have a phone number but when we phone it seems they can't be arsed to answer it. We established that we needed to be there by high noon to be sure of a space. This focussed our minds a bit and made us crack on with all the other chores which need doing before setting off.

This evenings fine dining experience provided by my darling Chef was accompanied by a glass of two from a five-litre box of what I thought might be an acceptable red plonk but in fact tastes like top quality French brake fluid - I never learn.

So tomorrow we will be visiting new territory. Fingers crossed. This seems an appropriate time to start a new 'chapter'.


19. Sep, 2022


19. Sep, 2022


19. Sep, 2022